The Ultimate Guide To Dating Casually

Casual sex dating isn’t something you can go into with a closed mind, that’s for sure. A lot of people turn their noses up at this new, “free” style of dating and we’ll be honest; it’s not something that suits everyone. In fact, more people are against a casual dating than for it, if conversations with our friends, family and work colleagues are anything to go by.

Casual dating is often interpreted as meaningless sex. To some extent, it is just that, but in other respects, there’s a lot more to it. For example, those with busy lives or unloving spouses turn to dating casually in a bid to fill a hole or void in their life. Why should they miss out on amazing sex and intimacy just because they don’t have time for a relationship? Or because their other half doesn’t fancy a bit of slap n’ tickle?

casual sex datingDespite common misconceptions, casual dating isn’t always about throwing your genitalia at anyone brave enough to accept it. It’s about keeping your options open. What’s the point in spending a couple of years with someone, just for companionship and sex, when you pretty much know that you won’t be marrying them or living the happy ever after dream? It’s just wasting your time and theirs, isn’t it?

By indulging in a spot of casual dating, you are learning more about yourself, as well as learning more about the kind of person you are compatible with. You’ll learn the things that you won’t stand for, plus how much of a compromise you would be willing to make to ensure the other persons happiness. After all, the art of a good relationship is compromise. Casual dating is just the lead up to this.

Is there really something so wrong about casual dating? As we’ve mentioned, there’s no point in wasting time with people that you know you won’t end up being with for the long term. Keeping your options open just seems like a sensible way of doing things, much like shopping around for a new mobile phone contract. What’s the point in committing to something when you aren’t sure whether or not it’s going to work?

Of course, there are some “rules” or “guidelines” that you should follow if you plan on casual sex dating. For example, safe sex ensures YOUR sexual safety, as well as the sexual safety of those you are casually dating. You should probably apply an honesty policy to the matter too — always make sure that the person you are dating is well aware that this is a casual thing. The last thing you are going to want to do is break anyone’s heart. It just makes things too complicated when both parties aren’t heading in the same direction and, trust us, that’s just not fun!

Above all else, make sure you have fun. The whole point of this is to sow your wild oats, as such, and learn about yourself. As long as you are honest about what you are looking for, and don’t string anyone along, who are you really hurting?